4 Best Keto Avocado Smoothie Recipes For Fitness Freaks

A plate of food on a table

If you are on a Keto diet, you might be looking forward to venturing into new recipes each day. You can always add your innovation to give rise to a new recipe by adding your regular ingredients. Keto Avocado smoothie is one of the best recipes that you can try for any meal of a day. You can eat it with any fruit or dry fruits of your choice and make your meal a fulfilling one. In this article, you will be given an insight into four best keto Avocado smoothie recipes to enhance your taste buds a bit. 

Making Low Carb Keto Avocado Smoothie Recipes

Food on a table

If you are on a diet, consuming less carb is necessary and this tasty recipe will give you a refreshing feeling. You just need simple ingredients for making this amazing recipe that is to add your choice of low fat milk and avocado. You can use unsweetened condensed milk or almond milk to give your smoothie a creamy texture. Blending fresh avocado pieces in low fat milk will give your best smoothie. If you want to enjoy it cold, you can add a few ice cubes. 

Healthy And Fresh Keto Avocado Smoothie

A close up of a hand holding a fruit

If you want to create something that is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, you need to make a smoothie using all the ingredients that favor these. Ginger and turmeric are great sources to make your meal fun and filling. The smoothie that is rich in coconut milk, ginger, as well as ginger that would beat your tiredness away. You need to add avocado pieces, some coconut milk or almond milk, an inch of ginger, turmeric powder, and give it a nice mix. You can top this amazing smoothie with some fresh avocado and coconut pieces. 

Add Berries

Seasonal berries are a great addition to these supremely delicious keto avocado smoothie recipes. You can add strawberries that are keto-friendly and are one of the sweetest fruits with lowest calorie. Therefore, it is a great addition to your smoothie because you don’t need to add extra sweetening agents and your smoothie would be very sweet. They are seasonal fruits and if you want to have this season at any other time of the year, you can go for a little quantity of strawberry syrup in it. The preparation of this recipe is very simple and you can top the smoothie with some freshly chopped strawberry and avocado pieces.

Greens And Avocado

You can try during innovation with the smoothie by adding your choice of vegetables, greens, and fruits in it. You can add spinach, bananas, berries, as well as apples to make a creamy and tasty smoothie. All these ingredients will create a perfect balance of sweetness and creamy texture to your smoothie and will enhance the taste of your taste buds. 


These are some of the very creative and innovative keto avocado smoothie recipes that you can prepare at home. You can have it all throughout the day without compromising on your taste and health.

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