When maintaining a keto diet, the most important thing one should consider is getting enough energy and nutrition without taking carbs. Keto fruit smoothies are the best way to get the most nutrients with power-packed ingredients. Here are some keto fruit smoothie recipes that are not only healthy but also so yummy you can’t resist.
- Energy Giving Keto Strawberry Smoothie
- ½ cup frozen strawberries
- 1 tbsp coconut powder or keto coffee creamer
- 1 tbsp of coconut cream
- 1 tbsp of nutzo or almond butter
- 1 tbsp of chia seeds
- 2 tbsp of avocado
- Tiny pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp of monk fruit sweetener
- 1 scoop grass-fed collagen peptides
- 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk
First, take a blender and add ½ cup of frozen organic strawberries, then add one tbsp of coconut cream and keto coffee creamer, this will add some good fat. If you do not have keto coffee creamer then you can use coconut powder or coconut milk which is a great addition for energy boosting and weight loss. Then add 1 tbsp of nuttzo nut butter or almond butter, add next to the chia seeds, fresh avocados, monk fruit sweetener, collagen powder, and a tiny pinch of salt. Blend all the items well once then open and add 8 ounces of unsweetened and plain almond milk, blend smoothly again and enjoy.
2.Stress Relieving Chocolate and Cherry Smoothie
- ½ cup frozen cherry raspberry, & pomegranate mix
- ¼ of a seedless cucumber peel on
- 1 tbsp unsweetened & raw cacao
- A squeeze of a lemon juice
- Small piece of lemon peel
- Dash of cinnamon powder
- A small handful of power greens or some baby spinach
- 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk
Start by adding ½ cup frozen cherry raspberry, & pomegranate mi½ cup frozen cherry raspberry, & pomegranate mix to a blender, add along 1/4 of an English cucumber with the peel, 1 tablespoon of raw and organic cacao, lemon peel and juice, a dash of cinnamon, and a handful of power greens (If you can’t find the power greens mix, just use raw organic baby spinach). Blend all the ingredients together until smooth, add 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk and enjoy.
3.Brain-Boosting Blueberry and Spice Smoothie
- ½ cup frozen blueberries
- 1 tbsp coconut powder or keto coffee creamer
- 1 tbsp coconut cream
- 1 scoop grass-fed collagen peptides
- 1 tsp monk fruit sweetener
- Dash of cinnamon
- Dash of cayenne pepper
- Tiny pinch of salt
- 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk
Take a blender and start by adding ½ cup of frozen blueberries with a tiny pinch of salt, then scoop in 1 tbsp of coconut cream and keto coffee creamer (or you can use coconut milk powder), then add 1 scoop of collagen peptides, monk fruit sweetener, a dash of cinnamon powder, and some cayenne pepper. Blend up everything and then add 8 ounces of unsweetened & plain almond milk, blend again until smooth.
Keto Strawberry smoothie is a great option to start your day with energy, chocolate, and cherry smoothie are great for stress relieving after a long day and a blueberry smoothie will help boost your brain and give you the energy and focus needed to get through the day.